Who I am
My name is Chase McKelvey
I have been a registered Republican since the age of 18 and I have lived in Transylvania County since 1996. I am married to the former Citlalmina Gonzalez and we are proud pet owners of a Siberian Husky named Champ.
While we do not currently have any children of our own, you will often hear Cit say that she does have many children based on how many students she will have in class each year as a Rosman Elementary School teacher.
I am the owner/agent of a local insurance company where our founding principles are Service, Relationship, and Integrity. I plan to bring those same principles to my position as County Commissioner for Transylvania County, NC.

What I believe
I am an ordained minister.
I am a voice for fiscal conservatism which drives sustainable economic growth.
I am a voice for the Second Amendment; supporting our right to bear arms.
I am pro-life and a voice for the unborn. I believe that life begins at conception.
I believe in empowering futures: I am a voice promoting excellence in education.
I am a voice for our community heroes. I support our law enforcement, emergency services and fire departments.
I believe in empowering our communities by investing in the future. I am a voice for the economic growth and job creation in Transylvania County.
I am a voice for personal property rights and your freedom in protecting what is yours.
I am a voice advocating for limited government.

Why I am qualified
As a graduate of American College, I majored in Business Management. I have worked in management positions for most of my career, which has helped me hone my leadership and communication skills.
Professional Experience
My management journey started with Food Lion where I was Customer Service Manager for two years before being hired at NC Farm Bureau Insurance as an Associate Agent but became a Producer within just a few months of starting in that position.
After several years at Farm Bureau, the opportunity arose to open up my own independent insurance agency in 2013 utilizing funds that I had saved to begin my small business debt free.
Chase Insurance Group has now grown to employ six additional staff offering good living wages and full benefit packages. The agency is still debt free due to diligently being fiscally responsible with economic growth factors.
In 2023, our agency was named one of the top ten agencies in Erie Insurance Company and we are still looking to expand while also remaining fiscally conservative in our growth efforts.
I have been honored to serve on the Erie Insurance Company Task Force focusing on sales and marketing and I am a member of the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors and a Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF).
In 2020, I established a property management business, Eagle Properties and Investments, that owns commercial property in Transylvania County. This is a second debt free small business that I am also looking to expand and grow in the future.
I strongly believe that my professional experience and education will be an asset to the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners, enabling me to help with economic development and growth while being fiscally conservative. I also firmly believe that God has blessed me with tremendous opportunities and has given me the wisdom to manage these blessings for His glory. I am humbled to be His vessel.

A Thriving Economy
My vision for Transylvania County's future is one where we are progressively moving forward with economic growth and opportunities for small businesses. A place where those graduating school will not have to move away but can find employment and prosper right here in their home county. I believe this is possible for Transylvania County.
Property Taxes
Since being sworn in as Commissioner in July 2024, one of the first votes I participated in with my fellow commissioners was about consideration of a quarter-cent sales tax referendum. I voted to have this placed on the ballot for the citizens to decide November 5, 2024. If approved and implemented, the local option sales tax could generate an additional $1.2 to $1.5 million in revenue offsetting an increase in tax for property owners.
As the husband of a teacher, I am well aware of the issues and challenges that educators face. While the responsibility for the curriculum and educational facilities lie with the Board of Education, I believe it is the Commissioners responsbility as financial stewards to work hand in hand with the Board of Education to ensure the buildings and grounds are properly maintained so that we foster an environment of safety and comfort for students and staff.
A Voice for All
For far too long, party politics have plagued not just our county but our entire country, holding us back as a collective. It is time to reach across party lines and work together to accomplish what needs to be done for our county to thrive and compete, for the next generations to be able to go to school, graduate, find gainful employment and remain in their home county. Partisan politics has hindered this by not allowing companies to invest in our county, I will work to change that.
Together We Are Better.
Together We Are Stronger.
Together We Win.
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